Boundaries and the Seven of Wands

I was surfing the internet and found an article about “hard to swallow truths your therapist had told you.” The only one I really looked at was: “I am tired of being the bigger person.” “Then stop hanging out with such little people.” Brilliant! It is so easy to say, I will be the bigger… Read more »

The Moon

Beginning of this month was a full moon and lunar eclipse. I do not do astrology so I am not sure what the significance of that is, except that it can be pretty to look at. The Full Moon was beautiful. The Moon in tarot is about dreams and visions. What you want to become… Read more »

Getting over a heartbreak

Healing from the past I hear often from women who have had their hearts broken in a relationship. I tell them the best way forward is to forgive themselves first. They cannot forgive the partner that hurt them until they forgive themselves for the trouble they saw and chose to ignore because they were in… Read more »

Actions speak louder than words

When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. — Maya Angelou A person’s actions will tell you everything you need to know about them, pay attention.” –Joe Mehl Actions speak, words mumble I have talked to a lot of people over the years about their men and romance. I have learned… Read more »

Devil card: Everyone is mad as Hell

• I read an advice column recently. A woman is bitterly complaining about her sister-in-law. She judges everything this woman has and does and puts it down. • I read in another advice column where the bride is complaining that people did not spend more than $300 on gifts for her wedding. And she is… Read more »

The Hermit’s Journey: How do you define success?

So many of us do not feel we are ever successful. We work and work and feel like we are getting nowhere. But doing whatever we do and doing it well IS success. We do not necessarily become celebrities or even known outside of our specialized circle, but we do well with what we have… Read more »

That Ace of Pentacles moment

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. –Chinese Proverb   Aces in tarot are new beginnings. Ace of Wands, new enterprise, or business. Ace of Cups, new love or new energy and excitement. And Ace of Pentacles is a new path opening before you.   I wanted to start something new…. Read more »

Why do we need to stop saying, it is what it is?

I am going to rant right now. I do not see why we need to stop saying “it is what it is.” I just read this article:  The Grammar experts say (among other phrases) we should stop saying, “it is what it is.” I get it, the rest of the article talks of stop… Read more »

Morning Pages

I have made a new resolution to start doing Morning Pages again. Morning Pages are the brainchild of Julia Cameron in her book The Artist’s Way. Every day you get up (a little extra early) and write in a 10×8 inch notebook whatever is in your head. You write 3 pages and stop. You don’t… Read more »