3 of Pentacles

All the big work is done, now I must fill in the details. I need to work at Small stuff today that is still important, laundry, exercise, and cleaning the toilet. It is small but important, still.

Wheel of Fortune

I pulled the Wheel of Fortune card today: new options, a chance to do what I have wanted to for a while. I am breaking free of old rules, old habits, old beliefs. It may not all work out as I want, but I can try now. That is GOOD! This is not my favorite… Read more »

Card of the Day: 3 of Pentacles

Embellish what you have done. Attention to details too, I would think. I have Twitter now (BG_Meyer) and two blogs, so I guess I must write what I can. And Facebook too. A lot going on. A lot to embellish. A gig tomorrow on the River, if it doesn’t rain, otherwise I assume a boat… Read more »

My first Blog (and my first entry)

This is my first blog and my first entry into my first blog. I figure it was time I started. I pulled a card today: 8 of Swords Rx (reversed). Get rid of out rules that just keep you back. Be free. A good idea. It is about  time I just did what I wanted… Read more »