Do you believe in magic?

Do you believe in magic?
“[This country] had rapidly been on its way to banishing magic altogether. And that would have had a very serous effect on the very soul of the country, for a country whose people ceased to believe in magic soon lost much of their ability to imagine and to dream, and before long, they ceased to believe—or hope—for anything.”
–Mercedes Lackey, The Fairy Godmother, Luna, 2004

When we want something and want it badly enough, what do we do first? Envision what we want. Before anything else comes the dream in which we imagine ourselves getting what we want. Then the next step may be to envision ourselves working on getting it. But that first step is the big one.

Magic happens when we are working on what we want. It “greases the wheels” we could say. We create a plan to get where we want to go to and suddenly a new opportunity opens, and we find we get there even faster than we ever expected. This is “luck” we say, opportunity knocking, but it is just as easy to call it magical because that is what it is.

We get depressed that it does not come fast enough, but if we are open to possibilities, it could come faster than we ever expect. Just maybe not HOW we expect. Someone I know decided to try to become a writer and a chance to join a writer’s group came to them. But they felt too shy to read their material in front of a group and turn down an opportunity to do so. Later, they told me they found out a publisher looking for stories for a new magazine was at their meeting. Oh, well, my friend said. But now they must resolve to be willing to push past their fear and try new possibilities. Possibilities that may make their dreams come true much faster than they expected.

Believe in magic, it will happen. Put out the effort to begin, and magic happens.

Looking for a fun idea for your next party or event? Consider Psychic Entertainment by Barbara G Meyer. If you are looking for a new idea for a ladies’ night out? Consider a Tarot class for you and your friends. Either in person or on Zoom.

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