Want to learn something new in the new year? Take a Tarot Card class

Have you been wanting to learn to read Tarot Cards? It is not hard really and a lot of fun. I teach a class on Tarot cards for any group, of any size. I recommend at least 5 people join a class to make it interesting, since much of my class is interactive. You all get to be the one asking the cards a question and the one who does the reading.

I never was a teacher, but I love to teach the things I love. And I LOVE tarot cards. That is why I have created a class to teach it. First you will get a short lecture about the real history of the development of Tarot cards and Tarotmancy (divination by tarot cards.) Hint: it is not a message from the Ancient Egyptian Masters!  Then YOU will get to be the reader as we turn the class interactive. One of you will ask the cards a question. Another of you will select a card and try to answer the question, with my coaching. Then we will trade off and you will all get a chance to be both querent and reader.

I will supply the tarot decks and each guest will leave with a hand-out explaining the meaning of each card (upright and reversed) and some simple spreads to get you started on your own Tarot journey.

If you want to do this via Zoom, we can do that too. I work with 2 cameras and the experience will be as though I am there in person. If all of you are in person and I am on Zoom, it still will work. Just set me up in a monitor or laptop where you can all see what we are doing, and the fun will start.

If you have teenagers 15 years old or older who would like to play with Tarot Cards, this would be a great introduction. There is nothing “Satanic” or evil about cards. I could clear some myths and misconceptions kids have about them.  When they are done, they will understand what Tarot cards can do and not do and will not be afraid of them.

Call me or email for more information about how much FUN this could be at your next get-together. It would be fun for club meetings, Ladies Nights Out, or Birthday parties. Let’s resolve to have more FUN this year starting with learning to read Tarot Cards! 

Contact me via my web site, www.bgmeyer.com, or by email: barb@bgmeyer.com or call me with questions at: 773-282-6556. 

FUN would be had!